Wrist strength and flexibility decline at an alarming rate as we age. Read how maintaining wrist strength into old age could help prevent other injuries and find out more about an interesting link to dexterity.
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Walking the Routeburn Track
I don’t know what appeals about getting out into the great outdoors as we get older. There seems to be a desire to reconnect with nature, fill our lungs with fresh air, or is it just we have more time? Multi-day hiking away from civilisation is the ultimate, and near the top of that list is the Routeburn Track. While many people have this hike on their bucket list, I had more reason than most to complete this track.
To Run, or not to Run, that is the Question.
Running is known to be a high impact form of exercise. The stress on soft tissue and the risk of injury can have long-term effects. As we age do the benefits of running outweigh the possible risk of injury and is there an effect on longevity?
What Studies Tell Us About the Health Benefits of Running.
There are many benefits to exercise in general, however some studies have specifically focused on the health benefits of running. So if you have ever wanted to get out and run, here are some good reasons to choose this form of exercise, and the good news is you don’t need to run far or fast to reap the benefits.